CMLT 132
Sexuality and Textuality
The course serves as an introduction to gay and lesbian studies and queer theory from the perspective of literature in an international and intercultural context.
View a list of all-gender (and single stall) bathrooms on Clark’s campus. The original gender-neutral bathroom project was spearheaded by Oliver McCormick ’24 and was a continuation of work started by previous student groups.
Students, Faculty, and Staff: learn more about our inclusive policies (e.g. name change for on-campus use), supports for success, and access to health care support as a Trans or Queer student or staff member here at Clark.
All students in University housing may choose to live with a roommate or suite-mates of any gender. Additionally, all gendered spaces are assigned based on students’ self-identified gender.
Want to know more? Contact us at
The Trans and Gender Diverse Support and Discussion Group provides an affinity space for those that are trans (binary or non-binary), gender diverse, and/or navigating or questioning aspects of their gender. Each session is co-facilitated by students and staff in seeking to provide access to a trans-inclusive community at Clark.
Learn MoreThis group provides an affinity space for BIPOC students who are LGBTQIA+ or are questioning their gender and sexuality. We will engage in conversations around intersections of identity, support one another, and build community; each session is co-facilitated by students and staff.
Learn MorePrism serves LGBTQIA+ students at Clark and is dedicated to improving support and awareness within the community. Prism holds annual events throughout the school year such as Coming Out Stories, Trans Day of Remembrance, and Pride Prom. Additionally, Prism provides services for students: a queer library, clothing swap, and a binder exchange.
Learn MoreInterested in career resources for LGBTQIA+ students?
Clark University was on the forefront of the gay liberation movement in the 1970s. A course on the subject, one of the first in the country, was offered in 1975; a student group also was active that year, and the University hosted a major conference in gay studies in 1976. “Queering Clark,” a 2019 exhibit, highlighted Clark’s LGBTQIA+ heritage from the 1970s to the present. Moving forward in 2021, Screen Studies Professor Rox Samer brought micha cárdenas, Zackary Drucker, and Chris E. Vargas to campus for the Higgins School of Humanities event on “Trans Media and Its Futures.”
CMLT 132
The course serves as an introduction to gay and lesbian studies and queer theory from the perspective of literature in an international and intercultural context.
SCRN 288
This course will explore how cinema has participated in the construction, deconstruction, and reimagining of gender across its history, reading examples of early feminist film theory.
HIST 212
Covers the history of sexuality from 1750-present focusing on Western Europe. Examine how different societies and times determined what was licit and illicit sexual behavior.
ENG 139
From the coded sighs of “the love that dare not speak its name” to the out and proud writers of the present moment, this course traces a non-linear history of literary engagement with queerness.
GERM 230
In this course, we will investigate the emergence of modern sexual discourses in the nineteenth-century German-speaking world.
PSYC 143
This course examines contemporary knowledge and attitudes towards human sexuality, relying on theoretical and empirical psychological research.
ENG 264
The Victorian period was full of writers addressing what we now consider themes of “queer” sexuality and gender. Often, however, these themes have gone unrecognized.
CMLT 233
What happens when we think of sexuality, with all of its transgressive and individualistic energies, in terms of rationally established universal human rights?
Join the Clark community in celebrating Pride throughout the year! Download virtual backgrounds or pick a frame to add to your social media profile.
Dana Commons,
1st Floor